Brisbane rallies to give new life to pre-loved formal wear

After a devastating fire decimated the stocks of beautiful formal wear donated by generous Queenslanders, to local non-profit Formally Ever After, commonkind sought to rally the Brisbane community to replenish their racks and help Australian students struggling to afford to go to their formal, an opportunity to shine!

Brisbane brings it!

Our Brisbane commonkind community came out in force and raided their wardrobes to donate divine dresses and stylish suits so that students don’t need to miss their school formal celebrations. Together we donated a haul of over 70 dresses and 69kg in donations of shoes, suits, bags, jewellery and other accessories.

Thank you Brisbane

A huge THANK YOU to the Brisbane community, especially the many school students who donated their beautiful formal gowns, suits and accessories in our recent appeal. We would like to specifically thank both All Hallows’​ School and St Laurence’s College for the large donations from your school communities.

Students for Students

Not only do we have so many school students generously giving their time through volunteering with us, but we also have so many generous student donors who in this example, want to ensure that other students who might not be able to afford formal wear, have access to the latest fashions for free so they can attend their own school formals. Not only Generation Impact but also Generation Compassion!

Want to get your school behind a good cause?

We love hearing from community-minded Australian students, eager to contribute to charitable causes. If this is you or your school, reach out to us here. We’d love to chat.

About commonkind

We provide benevolent relief to people and communities suffering from poverty, disadvantage and distress by facilitating age-appropriate community service activities for children, families and other interested parties.

Get in touch!

Whether you are a charity with a task that might be suitable or you are interested in helping us create a kinder and more connected community, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us here.

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