
Firstly, thank you!

Thank you for everything you do each and every day to help make Queensland a better place. It’s people like you and charities like yours that truly are the backbone of our society. For that, again we say thank you.

We exist to help you, the helpers

Here at commonkind, we work with charities across Queensland to help you achieve more with the limited resources you may have. We partner to identify relevant tasks that our teams of child and family volunteers can complete. We run the sessions and take on board all logistics to make sure we achieve your goals on time and at the quality you expect, oh and did we mention, at no cost to you?

How can we help you?

Let’s start with what are your challenges and where could you use extra assistance? Whether you need help making care packages, preparing for events, running collection drives or repetitive tasks like putting together mailers or something else entirely, our network of children, families and schools is keen to make a meaningful impact.

What’s the catch?

Well, really there is none! We started commonkind to provide opportunities for Queensland children and families to give back. Historically, there have been very few opportunities for children under 16 to do so. At commonkind, we thought this needed to change.

Children are capable, well-intentioned and willing, but struggle to find organisations that will accept their help. Charities often have overwhelming needs coupled with underwhelming resources.

commonkind provides a simple and convenient solution to these problems by aggregating like-minded people (our volunteers) and applying them to your current challenges. This allows you to “outsource” some of your “busy” work to our volunteers so you can redeploy your regular volunteers to more value-adding tasks.

So, by you providing us with relevant opportunities, and us bringing the willing volunteers, it’s a win-win for all of us, and society as a whole.

Want to learn more?

Let’s get together to see how we might be able to partner with you to extend the incredible impact you are already making in our community. Please fill in this form and one of our friendly team will be in touch shortly.