What We Do

Let’s build a better world, together, starting right here, in Australia.

Our Mission

We believe that charity begins at home and by harnessing the power of youth and families through community service, we can build a kinder and more connected world.

Our Vision

Australia evolves from the lucky country to the loving country.

Our Values

We strive to GIVE:





Generous – we give what we can freely

Inclusive – we welcome everyone to participate

Valuable – we seek to create value for our stakeholders and we value others

Enterprising – we embrace innovation and seek new ways to make an impact

Why do we do it?

Compared to many places in the world, Australia has got it relatively good but even so, there are ways we can make our society more just and equitable.

Australia Today

Did you know that in Australia:

  • one in six children is living in poverty1
  • over 3.3 million Australian households (33%) have experienced food insecurity in the past 12 months2
  • over 50% of people living in residential aged care show signs of depression3

Sustainable Development Goals Commitment

commonkind is committed to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. Read up on the goals here.

We use community service to work towards these goals. We strongly believe that dismissing the help that children and their families can provide to the charity sector is a big mistake, especially given the documented decline in adult volunteering in Australia.4 The United Nations agrees that volunteering is a critical enabler to achieve the SDGs and states:

“This much is clear: drawing upon the incredible creativity, energy and expertise of volunteers will be crucial to shaping a greener, more inclusive and more sustainable future.”United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme. (2021, December). 2022 State Of The World’s Volunteerism Report: Building Equal And Inclusive Societies.

Our programs are focused on providing benevolent relief to people and communities suffering from poverty, disadvantage and distress aligned with the following SDGs:


  1. Davidson, P; Bradbury, B; and Wong, M (2022) Poverty in Australia 2022: A snapshot. Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and UNSW Sydney. ↩︎
  2. Miller, K and Li, E. (2022, October) Foodbank Hunger Report 2022. Big Village (Big Village Reference AU3000928) ↩︎
  3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2013. Depression in residential aged care 2008–2012. Aged care statistics series No. 39. Cat. no. AGE 73. Canberra: AIHW. ↩︎
  4. Biddle, N., Boyer, C., Gray, M., & Jahromi, M. (2022) Volunteering in Australia: The Volunteer Perspective. Volunteering Australia, https://volunteeringstrategy.org.au/wpcontent/uploads/2022/10/Volunteering-in-Australia-2022-The-Volunteer-Perspective.pdf ↩︎

About commonkind

We provide benevolent relief to people and communities suffering from poverty, disadvantage and distress by facilitating age-appropriate community service activities for children, families and other interested parties.

Get in touch!

Whether you are a charity with a task that might be suitable or you are interested in helping us create a kinder and more connected community, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us here.